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My Coaching Program

Since each person is unique, the details of life coach programs will differ from person to person. Areas that may be covered include, but are not limited to Lifestyle, Relationships and Family, Financial and Spiritual coaching.


As a life coach, I will consider the following with you:


Christian Life coach - Analyse

To reach a given destination, you first need to know where you are, secondly you need to know where you want to be (destination) and then you need to plot a route to your destination.This may sound over simplified but in the race of life, many times we get lost and forget to apply these basics. It results in us going around in circles and losing identity and purpose in the process. The life coach will start with an analysis of where you are and where you should be, as it is a good starting point to get on track again.


Christian Life coach - Conceptualise

Finding your unique identity and purpose answers the two most important questions in life: 'Who am I' and 'Why am I here'? The answers to these questions are not always obvious and without coaching, may be difficult or impossible to find.  During this process, we will also identify the most important areas of development in your life and set realistic short, medium and long term goals (end destination) to reach in these areas. A good life coach will also identify what skillsets are needed and what obstacles need to be overcome in order to reach your end destination.


Once we know where you are, where you should be and what is needed, we can start removing obstacles, developing your skillsets and plotting a route to start you on your journey to a meaningful and purpose-driven life. Be aware that these processes may take some time and require you to take some tough decisions and stands on difficult issues.

Christian Life coach - Realise
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