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Frequently Asked Questions

I have put together a list of frequently asked questions. You are welcome to peruse them, use them, debate them or just get a blessing out of them.





What makes the Christian God different from all the other gods?

The other gods require you to do something in order to obtain their favour. Sacrifices or offerings must be brought and stringent rituals must be kept meticilously before favour can be asked or expected. The Christian God is a God of Relationships. He values relationships so much that He required Himself to do... so that HE might obtain YOUR favour! You don't need to do anything to merit HIs favour. You just need to believe! He gave the life of His own Son: not only that you may live with Him eternally, but that you may stand in a bi-directional, sensible relationship with a loving, supernatural Father who is crazy about you.

Well, I don't believe in an invisible God. Seeing is believing

I can also say that I don't believe that electricity exists, because I can't see it. The fact is, I can believe all I want - it won't make the electricity go away. And just as you can prove in other ways that electricity does exist and can actually be useful, so is it possible to prove in other ways that God does in fact exist and is not only useful, but a blessing to know. Not believing in God will not make Him go away, just as not believing in electricity will not make it go away. He does exist and you might just as well get over it and accept that fact. The Bible says, 'Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!' Psa 34:8. I dare you to try it for yourself before making harsh judgments.

If God is so good, why does He send people to hell?


Not all people like or love each other. Some you love, some you tolerate but some you simply can't bear. Not all people like or love God either. Hell in its simplest form is to choose to be without God forever - because you feel you can't bear to be with Him. That's your choice, and because God respects you, He respects your choice: If you want to live without Him forever - you're welcome; and that's Hell. So you see, God doesn't so much send people to hell than they are choosing to go there themselves. Just don't come crying that God is unjust because you lost the benefits you would have had if you had chosen to remain with Him. If you choose to give up citizenship of your country, you choose with it to give up all the benefits going with that citizenship. Same goes here: if you choose to give up citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven, you lose all the benefits going with it: so choose wisely while you are still alive...

This God of which you speak about, is not the God I know. How can I get to know Him?

I strongly encourage you to read the Discover God page. You can also find out there about how you can accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Redeemer.

What is the FREE Strongholds Diagnostic Survey?

Strongholds are negative believes or lies that hold one prisoner and blind one to alternative truths or options. It can also be addictions. The survey will give you an indication of possible strongholds working in your life.



What is the Spiritual Roots Diagnostic Survey?

Part 1 of the survey probes into your early life to look for places where Satan might have come in to steal, kill or destroy in your life. Part 2 explores 11 different areas where involvement may specifically cause financial losses, ill health or loss of support systems in your life. Walking upright before God will make life work for you and position you to experience His unprecedented provision, love and care - the results of which will also be tangibly visible in the lives of your offspring.


Contact me for an appointment or click here for an opportunity to take the survey.


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