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MY TESTIMONY - Coach Tommy

Psalm 34:8 of the Christian Bible dares us to "taste and see that the Lord is good". I was once in a place where I tried it and frankly, it didn't work for me. I did not stop believing in God, I just became very uncertain of my position and goal on earth. I did not know it then, but I was uncomfortable with love - and God is love.

'If you are not comfortable with love, you really don't know God!' - Jack Frost​

Christian Life coach - Testimony

Wondering if God exists...


I plunged through the storms of life. I saw many things; and I saw many bad things. I did many bad things, because I did not really believe... Then I pondered on the age-old excuse for not believing in God: not believing would free me to follow my own desires. A promiscuous lifestyle, addictions, using others as long as it suited me and nurturing my secret sinful desires became acceptable: the rule was: "As long as you don't hurt another person, you can do as you want".

​Many years later I learnt that this was one of the golden rules of witchcraft... Those Ten Commandment nonsense was not for me!

I lived life as I saw fit, and hurt others anyway. The environment I grew up in and where I worked for 20 years was not condusive to softies: growing up in a South African school hostel and working in a South African prison is hostile to sissies. My heart became cold as a stone. Emotions where there to manipulate others to do your bidding.

Christian Life coach - Listening

The testimony of an ex-Satanist intriqued me


I was touched by the reality of the spirit world as he described it. For a while at least, I became a dedicated Christian. The problem was one however: No matter how hard I tried I could not get God to catch a liking in me! So it seemed anyway. Yes, the miracles were there and I had some awesome experiences, but so did my 'spiritually aware' friends, who were not into Christianity. I felt like a pawn in a giant game of cosmic chess. God would only listen if my request also suited Him.

Then my life really started to fall apart. Mariè and I considered divorce and I stood to lose everything I had built up and lived for over many years. One night, I took my rifle and place it on the table in the study. Computers had just become more 'civilised' and I used to type my thoughts down on the computer.

Christian Life coach - Praying

Discover God


That evening, ready to commit suicide, I met the living God. Over the next number of years, I learned to know Someone Who cared deeply about me. Don't get me wrong - it was a fight because I could not believe that He cared for me at first. With infinite love and patience, He taught me and I was pleasantly surprised to start knowing One so thrilling, funny, loving, charming and caring as He was. I started to call Him Father. Over time - over a long time - I became more comfortable with love. And I discovered God.


If you are a Christian who do not have a real experience with a loving Father, or if you are not a Christian and you long to meet Someone Who deeply loves you and cares for you, I dare you to join me in the Discover God program.

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